Out of Toronto Canada comes some of the most well designed, well thought out, user friendly tools. We use KUU in our own workshop right here in Christchurch, we are sure you will love their tools too.
Base edge bevel tuning is lifting the edges off the snow a slight amount (0.5° to 1°) so they won't engage until the ski is tilted on edge. The more base edge bevel, the easier it will be to pivot or slide from side to side, however a balance must be made as too little base edge bevel causes a ski to hook up before the skier is ready and too much base edge bevel creates instability as the edges are raised too far off the snow.
Getting serious about ski/snowboard performance? This pro file is used to set base bevel angles for improved performance.
Please come see us for tips and tricks when it comes to tuning bevel angles as setting bevel angles is a permanent and once set you can not go back without grinding the base flat again. This is not recommended as it will shorten the life of the hardware.